International Men’s Day

International Mens Day

What is it and why is it important?
Raising awareness of:

The high male suicide rate - (It's the biggest killer of men under 45 in the uk)

The challenges faced by boys and men at all stages of education and work including attainment, re-training, redundancy and unemployment.

Men's health (including male cancers), shorter life expectancy and workplace deaths - plus the health impact of Covid-19.

The challenges faced by men as parents, particularly new fathers and separated fathers.

Male victims and survivors of sexual abuse, rape, sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based crime, stalking and slavery.

The negative portrayal of men, boys and fathers.

Positive male role models.






Male Feminists
Let's bring an end to

Male mental health stigmas

Toxic masculinity

Unfair social pressures on males

The under reporting of domestic violence against men

Lack of paternity leave


Male loneliness/isolation

Male suicide
Our sons need to know it's OK to cry when they've been bullied, that fighting back is what weak men do, not what strong men do. Our sons need to know we don't expect them to "man up" at 10 years old, and they need to have healthy masculinity modelled for them, which includes showing their soft underbellies.
They need permission to explore their creativity without being judged as "soft" and they need to learn how to open their hearts and keep them open, even when our culture threatens the tenderness of that open heart.

The adult men in our lives need to know that it's OK to get fired or make a bad investment or be unable to pay the mortgage. They need reassurance that we still love them when they're collecting unemployment or when they can't get the mayonnaise lid off the jar. They need to know we'll love them even if they get sick. And they need to know that we don't need them to pretend to keep it all together when they feel like falling apart.

They need to know we can take turns being the pillars of strength for each other.

Need to talk? You matter!

Hours: Available 24 hours.
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