Two people going over paperwork at a table.

Fair Trade Fortnight 2023


Check out the incredible Fair Trade presentation below made by our incredible volunteer @sarasphotobox!

Fair Trade Ideas

Its full of great advice and ideas for getting more Fair Trade items into your daily life!

Fairtrade Fortnight
17% of farmers and 41% of workers in fairtrade are women.

£169 million in fairtrade premium paid to farmers and workers in 2020. More than 1.9 million farmers and workers in fairtrade certified producer organisations.

1,880 fairtrade certified producer organisations in 71 countries.

On average each fairtrade producer organisation received more than £90,000 in fairtrade premium

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Fundraising and our fundraisers are an essential part of the SAFE family - and we love to work closely with all of the amazing people raising vital funds for us.