
Here in South Wales we work with people from all backgrounds who are facing barriers to work, whether they are a young person who has been diesfranchised by the UK education system or a long term unemployed person who is struggling with the conifdence to reenter the workplace. SAFE offers a volunteering opportunities that build more than just you C.V – build meaningful connections, get inspired and be part of a community changing the world!

We offer training courses in hospitality and customer service which meet people where they are and build them up to who they never dreamt they could become. Our Employability program is person-focused, vibrant, and tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

This programme addresses 3 UN SDGs

Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals emphasise a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development.

You can read more about all 17 UN SDGs here.